The Hottest Social Media And SEO Trends Of 2018

Social media evolving faster than we can blink! In the past decade, digital marketing technology has captured audiences on every imaginable web platform. As online interaction grows and matures, so do SEO practices. Gone are the days of keyword stuffing and dubious backlinks. Whether you are an SEO Agency in Sydney or a, SEO Agency in Melbourne, the only way to stay relevant in today’s digital marketing world is to update yourself on the latest Social Media and SEO trends:

Trend#1 Content will always be king

Yes. Yes. We know ‘Content is King” isn’t just a trend anymore. Still, as cliché as it sounds, this is absolutely true! Today, there is an overwhelming amount of content in the form of information, advertisements and promotions - ranging in quality from terrible, unreadable stuff all the way to quality, researched articles. People are sick of reading the click-bait stuff. On the other hand, creative and relevant information that connects with readers’ innate desires can be very powerful at driving interest and engagement. In the past year, there has been a growing trend towards customised, hyperlocal content aimed at capturing particular geographic markets.

Trend#2 Everything Mobile

It is no secret that mobile is the next frontier in targeted marketing. If you’re not online, you’re losing relevance. Even if you do have a web presence, your customers will quickly lose interest if your presence lacks in aesthetics or current information. Having a mobile-friendly website isnt just a recommendation anymore, it is a requirement if you want to access the growing majority of people accessing the web using only mobile devices. Infact, mobile responsiveness is now a search ranking factor for SEO purposes. So, if your website is not responsive, you’re probably losing out on a lot of traffic.

Trend#3 Multi-pronged SEO Strategies

The role of an SEO professional is to achieve and maintain a high volume of traffic to certain websites. With Google changing its algorithms periodically, it can get really tricky to keep up with the latest SEO recommendations. The traffic game is no longer as simple as learning some DIY SEO tricks and implementing them. Ranking at the top is so complicated today with things like AdWords, news block, featured snippets, reviews, tweets, video, image pack, shopping results and site links that directly impact site rankings. Which is why it pays to have a knowledgeable SEO professional team by your side if you are serious about driving traffic to your website.

Trend#4 Platform-Specific Content

The traditional method of digital content creation and distribution went like this: You create generic content and share it on different social media platforms, people read the content and Voila! Traffic! Sadly, in 2018, this generic model doesn't work so well. Today, there are simply too many users creating tons of custom content on every platform. If you want to compete with these guys, you need to create and customize shareable content for every platform.

Bonus Tip: Content isn't just limited to words or visuals today. Consumable content can mean anything from words to audio to video to visual graphics. In fact, in a world of bite-sized content, video content is quickly becoming indispensable.

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